Philosophical Stuff Below:


Go somewhere else

take the unbeaten path

let fate decide where you end up

go on an adventure!

Sometimes you just need to get out of the house

doesn’t matter where

as long as it’s somewhere

there is a cozy coffee place to work,

a nice hotel to relax,

and maybe an opportunity to meet interesting people


Few people travel like this

i tell myself it's creative people who travel like this

or is it the people who are lost ...or want to be lost?

i once had 2 days off. For me. Only for me. I wanted to leave town and do some thinking, but where?

it wasn't easy to let fate decide a destination

which leads to ...


I think travel websites are boring

they all offer the same kind of solution

the data is expensive, there is a big moat, probably why there is little creativity

(which is why there are only 3 origins, these 3 alone cost me 50 dollars monthly)

i want to break the boringness and build this for Ryanair, Airasia, or Southwest 😀

as low-cost airlines are the most obvious for this random destination model

External Sources Attribution:

This site includes IATA/ICAO List data available from